Considerations When Moving an Aging Loved One

Moving an aging loved one can be a tough process to assist with, and even harder for the seniors themselves. With years of possessions and memories in one house, transitioning into a new space should be handled with care. 

Today our team at Florida’s Best Moving discusses some important things to consider when moving an aging loved one, whether it’s into a new home, or assisted living. 

Leaving Things Behind 

Most seniors have a lifetime’s worth of meaningful possessions. This can be hard to move, to say the least. Going through all these items and memories can be extremely time-consuming, and you’re likely to be pushed back on if you suggest getting rid of some things.  

Here are some ways to make the process a little easier, and still thin down the collection along the way. 

  • Declutter First – It’s always easier to organize when you’re only sorting things to keep! 
  • Start Small – Choosing less sentimental items or rooms first will ease them into the process of letting go. 
  • Gift Items You Can’t Take – Sometimes you are unable to take everything, so items with a lot of sentimental value could be gifted to friends and family who will take care of them. 

Read More > Moving into a Smaller Home as a Senior 

Consider a Senior Moving Company 

If you can’t be there to help your aging loved one, or if you just need more help, don’t hesitate to call a moving company that specializes in senior moves. Having a third party’s help and opinion can help immensely when it comes to making tough decisions. 

Companies like Florida’s Best Moving offer services to seniors such as packing and unpacking, insurance on possessions, storage, and attention to detail for all your loved one’s prized possessions. We know how much their home means to them, and they should have a company that will help move with that in mind. 

Ask about our 10% OFF Senior Moving Tampa Bay Special! Contact Florida’s Best Moving and Storage Tampa Bay or call 813-485-6580

Find New Healthcare Providers Before Moving 

This may not apply if your loved one is staying within the same city, but in cases where they are moving further, they will have to find new healthcare providers. Consult a geriatric care manager to help assist the process and cover any advanced tasks like arranging medical transport for the move. 

Here are some tips to setting up your healthcare in a new area: 

  • Ask current doctors for referrals 
  • Transfer any prescriptions so there is no delay in receiving medication 
  • Contact insurance providers and ensure all needs are both in the area and covered by their healthcare plan 

We’ll take good care of your move. As a family owned business, we care about our seniors. Contact Florida’s Best Moving today for a no-hassle senior moving quote today, 813-485-6580! 

Make the New Space Feel Like Home 

Moving can be tough emotionally, and for many seniors, they are moving from a house with many, many years of memories. Luckily, there are many things we can do to ensure our loved one’s transition is as smooth as possible! 

Take Photos Before The Move 

Before the move, photograph the rooms in your loved one’s house. Putting things back where they used to go in the new house will establish a good sense of familiarity. From the photographs to the pillows, try to arrange all the furniture and decor as best you can. 

Do you remember the last time you were in someone’s house trying to find a fork? That wouldn’t feel like home, so try to have the drawers/cabinets in the same order or as close to before as possible. 

Understand New Dimensions 

Now perfectly recreating a room is a little much to expect, as some furniture may not fit in the same areas. Take note of the dimensions and layout of the new space to better understand what may have to stay behind. It’s best to do this before trying to squeeze that giant armoire through a tight hallway! Movers like us will go also donate these furniture items for you.  

Positive Reinforcement 

In such a time, your loved one is probably questioning if this is the right move and may start feeling regret after moving in. Along the way, be sure to stay positive, and reinforce that the move is a good thing, complimenting both the house and the area. 

Whether it’s going on walks, dining out at a restaurant they like, or attending religious services, recreating their routine in a new environment will keep them feeling like themselves. And if they are moving into assisted living, focus on how nice it will be to relax, knowing all the chores and work will be done for them! 

Read More > How to Beat Relocation Depression 

Trust Us to Handle Your Senior Moving 

When it’s time to assist aging loved ones with a move, you want to make sure they are taken care of. Often that means being the one to help along the way. But if you aren’t able to be there, or you just need some help, Florida’s Best Moving is here to assist.  

We always strive to be the best senior movers in Tampa Bay and will take every step with extra care. See what we can do for you and your loved one, call 813-485-6580 to get a FREE quote!